Archive for Granary


Posted in Philosophy and Spirituality with tags , , , , , , , , on February 27, 2012 by chamimage

Aztec Butte Granary

Creativity is an act of defiance. You’re challenging the status quo. You’re questioning accepted truths and priniciples. You’re asking three universal questions that mock conventional wisdom:

Why do I have to obey the rules?

Why can’t I be different?

Why can’t I do it my way?

…Every act of creation is also an act of destruction or abandonment. Something has to be cast aside to make way for the new.

…So pick a fight – with the system, the rules, your rituals, even your everyday routines.”

Twyla Tharp in “The Creative Habit”

Food for thought. She may be right. Every time a country is conquered by a despot, it is the creatives and scholars that are rounded up and hung. They know where the defiance is apt to come from.
